Receiving payments just became a whole lot easier regardless of who you bank with. Anyone with a Discovery Bank account can pay you effortlessly using just your cellphone number. This means you never have to remember bank account numbers again. We do the hard work in the background.
How does it work?
Any Discovery Bank client can send you money seamlessly from their banking app, when they have your cellphone number saved in their contact list. We’ll then securely deposit the funds into your existing linked and verified bank account that we have on record for Vitality rewards – without sharing any banking details. It’s completely free to receive payments.
You will receive an SMS the first time someone pays you, and you’ll be asked for a once-off authorisation for the payment to be made into your existing bank account.
We give you the power to manage your Discovery Pay details
You can review your Discovery Pay details and change your Discovery Pay preferences on the Discovery website.
- Simply go to and navigate to the main menu.
- Select the BANK menu dropdown and select Discovery Pay.
- Select Go to Discovery Pay, scroll down and LOG IN or REGISTER using your Discovery login details.
- Under Discovery Pay, you can:
- Change your display name
- Review the bank account details linked to your cellphone number
- Disable Discovery Pay if you want to.
If you would like to pay your friends and family, hassle-free, instantly and safely, and enjoy getting boosted rewards, plus the best interest rates for managing your money well, sign up to Discovery Bank. It takes as little as five minutes.
You are already on track to being rewarded for your health journey, so let Vitality make receiving payments simple and safe too. That’s shared-value banking from Discovery Bank.
Discovery Bank Limited. Auth FSP. FSP 48657. NCRCP9997. Limits, Ts & Cs apply. Discovery Vitality (Pty) Ltd. Registration number: 1999/007736/07. Limits, T&Cs apply.
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