Monday 22 August 2016

There’s no reason why you shouldn’t be earning cash back – here’s how!

How much would you love a little extra cash in your bank account? Cash that's yours to do with as you please, whether you choose to save it, spend it, or splurge on a must-have luxury? Over the next two months a select group of Discovery Life clients will be enjoying exactly that - a cash payout that's theirs to use any way they wish. It's called PayBack, and it's how we reward our clients for making healthy, balanced and positive lifestyle choices.

The bad news is that currently you aren't part of this select PayBack group. The good news is that you can be, after just one conversation with your financial adviser. Receiving regular cash payouts is made possible through integration - a mechanism which allows you to link your other Discovery products with your Life Plan.

You already have a Life Plan as well as other Discovery products such as Discovery Health, Vitality, Vitalitydrive or Discovery Card - now all you need to do is integrate them into one unified whole, and you'll start being eligible to receive a portion of your premiums paid back to you in cash, at no additional premium. All thanks to the power of PayBack.

More healthy choices, more cash back

There's more to PayBack than simply receiving cash payments in your bank account. The more effectively you manage your health and wellness, the more PayBack you'll receive - with up to 60% of your premiums paid back to you every five years, with the ability to receive a guaranteed portion annually for the first ten years.

In this way, PayBack is more than simply a rewards programme - it's a model for longer, healthier, more valuable living. Master the steps to managing your wellness and you won't just get more cash back - you'll get more out of life as well.

The formula for success

So how do you go about improving your health and increasing your cash back as a result? With the help of one single word - more:

Know more: Knowledge is power as the saying goes, and the more you know about your current health status, the more you can do to improve it. Take advantage of exclusive Discovery assessments such as the Vitality Age assessment, health checks, fitness assessments, nutrition consultations, screening and prevention checks, dental health check-ups and more, and get the vital knowledge you need to kick start your lasting health journey.

Move more: With wearable technology fast becoming 2016's number one fitness trend, there's every opportunity for you to track your daily activity and reap resounding health benefits – particularly when used in conjunction with Discovery's Active Rewards programme, which entitles you to free smoothies, coffees and discounted gym memberships. Download the app, strap on a device, and take the first step to a fitter, healthier you.

Eat more: Good nutrition is about quality just as much as quantity - eating enough healthy, wholesome food in order to fuel and energise your body throughout the day. Find out more about the benefits of optimal nutrition with Discovery's weight management programmes and new HealthyFood Switch app, and enjoy added savings in your pocket with discounted healthy foods from our wellness partners.

Drink more: Water, that is, not alcohol. Swapping a glass of wine for a glass of water can help control your body's fluid balance, flush out toxins, fight fatigue, and boost your productivity too. Just a few glasses of water a day can help make a tangible difference to your overall health and wellness, so drink up!

Sleep more: Research shows that the more quality sleep you enjoy, the better the quality of life you'll enjoy. Don't fall into the trap of prioritising your responsibilities over your health - rather prioritise a good night's sleep instead, and look forward to improved performance, stamina, health markers and fat loss as a result.

Connect more: Believe it or not, loneliness has been proven to be a contributing factor in heart disease, causing inflammation that can put you at risk for serious health conditions. Remember that your health journey doesn't have to be a solo endeavour - instead walk it with a support network of family and close friends, and use their encouragement to help you go the extra mile.

As you can see, PayBack is about more than simply integrating your various Discovery products - it's about integrating lasting healthy habits into your lifestyle as well.

Speak to your financial adviser about integrating your Discovery products today and look forward to living a longer, healthier, more rewarding life with PayBack.

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